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SunGard™ is a weatherable polycarbonate sheet that combines the impact strength of polycarbonate with outstanding ultra-violet (UV) stability. SunGard’s unique properties make it the perfect choice for a variety of exterior sign applications. SunGard LD is a light-diffusing sheet solution specifically formulated for LED backlighting.
High impact strength - creates tough, durable parts; maintains impact strength even after prolonged outdoor exposure
UV-resistance - resistant to surface hazing, discoloration and other weathering effects like loss of light diffusion capabilities even after prolonged outdoor exposure
Light diffusion - SunGard LD is specifically formulated for applications which utilize LED backlighting for strong, even light transfer
Applications & Use
For Flat Or Thermoformed Outdoor Sign Faces, Channel Letter Faces, Decorated Substrates, And Other Backlit Interior And Exterior Sign Applications