The Prestige L2 is the perfect fit for mid-sized businesses and those looking to upgrade from smaller pipelines. With similar features as the Prestige XL2 in a smaller package, this 16" roll printer will boost your DTF printing speed with ease and efficiency.
- Two i3200 print heads
- White Ink Management System (WIMS): timed white ink stirring system to circulate and maintain white ink inside printer
- Head Strike Sensor: helps prevent damage to printhead
- Passive Auto-Cleaning: when printer is left on, it will automatically maintain and clean printhead every 4 hours
- Active Auto-Cleaning: during set intervals (even during printing), printer can stop to clean printhead
- Auto-Wet Capping: printhead sits inside cleaning solution while idle, helping to prevent clogging
- Auto Ink Alert System: informs user when ink is running low
- Automatic Film Sensor: if film runs out/is not detected, stops printing
- Attachment Station: Perfect for add-ons, such as the Printflo Barcode Automation System
- Variety of adjustable settings including:
- Belt Speed
- Powder Shaking Power
- Cooling
- Suction
- Speed & Efficiency: 40-60 shirts/hour (12"x12", 720x1800, 6Pass/High Resolution)
- 2 i3200 print heads make this printer one of the fastest performing DTF printers on the market
- Compact Size/Small Footprint: perfect for mid-sized businesses or businesses looking to upgrade from smaller pipelines